Thanksgiving day!

Hi, guys!
How's going? I've heard Japan has been colder and colder these days. I think my mother is always freezing both inside and outside of the house... Actually, Milwaukee is not so cold recently! Around Thanksgiving holiday, it was much colder than now. (It also snowed) I expected it would become VERY cold and I would be almost dead here. haha It's raining now, but it is warm rather than cold. I just hope to last this not-so-cold weather as long as possible.
Oh, I almost forget to tell you about the most important thing.
All of my exams is over, fall semester is over, finally I'm free!
...okay, thank you for listening. lol
I have a long winter vacation more than one month. Awww I can't wait going to New York and meeting my sister there. Also, I have bunch of places I wanna visit during the trip. (yes, I've already put many pins on the google map.) Food, shopping, strolling the ciyt and countdown  in Times Square!





テストはソシオもプランニングもまあ普通に書けたかなって感じ。そんなに悪くない結果だと思う。秋セメに関しては、勉強面にしても生活面にしても、反省点というか後悔はたくさんあるんだけど、あまり引きずりすぎないで、春学期はまた気持ちを切り替えて頑張ろう。 過ぎたことは気にしない。気にしても何も変わらないし。とりあえず今は12月28日~2日までのニューヨーク旅行が楽しみで仕方ない。お姉ちゃんにも久しぶりに会えるし、ちかとはるかにも会えるし、ミュージカルも観るし、美味しいものもたくさん食べる予定だし、理紗子&摩美も一緒だし、タイムズスクエアでカウントダウンもする予定だし、最高になること間違いなし。うううう高まる。
Anyway, today I wanna share my thanksgiving experience at Monique's house.
We had Thanksgiving holiday from 25th to 29th in November. For people who are not familiar with Thanksgiving, it is a day celebrated in U.S and Canada. Originally, it was celebrated as a day of giving thanks to the harvest.  Though immigrants from England had hard time to get food during winter and they are starving as well as many of them lost their lives, Indians tought them the way or knowledge about cultivating food in the land. Next year, they got a lot of food by the way of that, so that they invited Indiands, and celebrated the harvest. It is thought the beginning of Thanksgiving.
モニークがディナーに招待してくれて、 ガインと2人でおうちにお邪魔してきました。そもそもサンクスギビングがなんのこっちゃかというと、11月の第4木曜日に神様からの恵みである収穫を感謝する日です(ウィキより)。イングランドからの移民の人々がなかなかうまく食物を栽培することができなくて餓死したり、飢えていたりしていたときに、インディアンがその土地にあった栽培方法とかを教えることによって、翌年はとても豊作となり、移民に人がインディアンを招いてその豊作を祝ったのが始まりのようです。モニークとモニークのバイト先のボスに「サンクスギビングってどういうものか知ってる?」って聞かれたときに、なんとなーく知ってる知識を話したらほぼ正解で、2人に褒められた笑 やっぱりアジア人とかだとよく知らない人が多いらしい。
25日から大学はお休みだったので、25日の夜は異色のメンバー(私、ガイン、ブロック、じゅんいち、イェガン、レイトン)で韓国料理を食べて、そのあとにガインの部屋でブロックと私と3人で夜中までアルコールパーティーした。笑 すでに懐かしい。
On the 25th, I went to Korean restaurant, Seoul, for dinner with Gain, Brock, Junichi, Layton and Yegun. Umm, I don't remember what I talked and did at the restaurant, maybe I was just eating. Lol After that, Brock took us to the liquar shop and got many alcohol bottles, and had party in Gain's room. I miss the day, it was so much fun. Of course, the next day, we got up late and we were just talking about many things untill the time we had to leave for Monique's house... I knew it's impossible to study if we were together.Lol On the wey to the bus stop from the Sandburg, all the buildings were locked including Union, so we couldn't go through the Union and went around the building without having umbrella. Yes, we were wet, totally.
Monique waited for us at the bus stop and took us to her house. Her mother, grandmother, sisters and their boyfriends were already there and they welcomed us very kindly. (I forgot to take picture with them. It's my big mistake) In the kitchen, many food were already prepared. Turkey, ham, potato salad, green vegetables etc (Sorry, I don't remember what all the food were.) anyway all of them were so good! Especially, the cheese and jalapeno dip served as an appetizer with crackers, the third picture, it was too hard to stop eating it...
As having plan for Chicago next day, we left her house early.
It was a really short stay, but I was very glad to experience traditional thanksgiving day in the U.S.
Than you so much, Monique and her family♡