

Hi, guys. How is it going?Japan is turning into fall, gradually as the temperature in the evening becomes lower and lower.It's still hot and sometimes humid in day times, but much better than last month. Yes, fall is coming.I was too lazy …

Throw back to memories in Milwaukee

Fall is here. This summer was a bit longer than last year, and even I say it's fall we still can go out only with t-shirt. But it's fall finally. Fall is the best. We don't need to find shade to hide from the sun and don't need to eat lots…

I'm back in Japan



2016年2月27日(土)のこと 日付が変わっちゃったから昨日のことになるね。 昨日はめちゃくちゃ暖かかった。7度とかだったかな?2月ももうすぐ終わるから徐々に春に向かっているのかな。それにしても今年のミルウォーキーの本当に暖かかったことといったら。雪…

Thanksgiving day!

Hi, guys! How's going? I've heard Japan has been colder and colder these days. I think my mother is always freezing both inside and outside of the house... Actually, Milwaukee is not so cold recently! Around Thanksgiving holiday, it was mu…



Winter is coming here in Milwaukee!

Hi everyone. I'm sorry for that I haven't posted anything since last month. I was very busy in the latter half of November because of class paper, Boston career forum, hang out and Thanksgiving holiday! and everything has passed and It's a…

Milwaukee County Zoo

Hi, how's going everyone? Recentry, it's getting colder and colder, and super windy past two days! The temperature has been around 10℃ or below here in Milwaukee. Though it is almost same temperature in December in Tokyo, I don't feel its …

Halloween in Madison

Hi, guys!More than two month has passed since I came to US. In the end of October, there was a midterm exam for my urban planning class. I only have one midterm because for my sociology class, in every three weeks, I usually take small exa…

Free food

Hey guys! In Milwaukee, it's becoming autumn. The temperature is decreasing, it is around 15℃ or below. These days it's sunny but also so windy outside and that reminds me of my life in Gunma. Anyway, I am alive in Milwaukee. lol I don't k…

Just write my situation in English and I'm satisfied lol

Hi guys!I just came back to my room.Today is Wednesday, it means I have no class!Every Monday and Wednesday, there is no class now. But it is until October 26th...because badminton and meditation classes start from that day.For this semest…

one month has been passed.

アメリカに来て今日で一カ月経ちました。 最初の一週間はとても長く感じたけど、 それからは一日一日があっという間に終わる感覚。 生活に慣れたということなんだろうけど、 やることが常にあるし、一つのことにかける時間が長いから、夜はいつも熟睡。 意識…

